Database error: Invalid SQL: select id,title from pwn_News_con where catid=(select catid from pwn_News_con where id=386) and uptime>(select uptime from pwn_News_con where id=386) order by uptime asc limit 1
MySQL Error: 1146 (Table 'flourishingen.pwn_News_con' doesn't exist)
#0 dbbase_sql->halt(Invalid SQL: select id,title from pwn_News_con where catid=(select catid from pwn_News_con where id=386) and uptime>(select uptime from pwn_News_con where id=386) order by uptime asc limit 1) called at [/www/wwwroot/flourishing/en/includes/] #1 dbbase_sql->query(select id,title from {P}_News_con where catid=(select catid from {P}_News_con where id=386) and uptime>(select uptime from {P}_News_con where id=386) order by uptime asc limit 1) called at [/www/wwwroot/flourishing/en/news/module/NewsPage.php:33] #2 NewsPage() called at [/www/wwwroot/flourishing/en/includes/] #3 PrintPage() called at [/www/wwwroot/flourishing/en/news/html/index.php:15] Database error: Invalid SQL: select id,title from pwn_News_con where catid=(select catid from pwn_News_con where id=386) and uptime<(select uptime from pwn_News_con where id=386) order by uptime desc limit 1
MySQL Error: 1146 (Table 'flourishingen.pwn_News_con' doesn't exist)
#0 dbbase_sql->halt(Invalid SQL: select id,title from pwn_News_con where catid=(select catid from pwn_News_con where id=386) and uptime<(select uptime from pwn_News_con where id=386) order by uptime desc limit 1) called at [/www/wwwroot/flourishing/en/includes/] #1 dbbase_sql->query(select id,title from {P}_News_con where catid=(select catid from {P}_News_con where id=386) and uptime<(select uptime from {P}_News_con where id=386) order by uptime desc limit 1) called at [/www/wwwroot/flourishing/en/news/module/NewsPage.php:46] #2 NewsPage() called at [/www/wwwroot/flourishing/en/includes/] #3 PrintPage() called at [/www/wwwroot/flourishing/en/news/html/index.php:15] Companies would have to take care of that three elementsNINGBO FLOURISHING PRECISION ELECTRON CO LTD
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Address:YunLong Industrial Zone,Ningbo
Companies would have to take care of that three elements
Author:    Released in:2014-11-27 15:26:27    Text:【Lage】【medium】【small

  Website construction in the process, we generally into careful consideration: web content, web design, the integrated function of the site, the three elements of which is the most important factors before making web pages content, but the web page creation is complete, is quite big in proportion of design, web design has become an important factor of the enterprise image.

  Said it was important to these factors, while there are a lot of webmaster, why is so important?Due to these factors, not only we would need to be considered, but also we need changes in the search engine optimization process.So, we need to consider these factors when site, the purpose is only one website conversion rates, for example, we recently done a web portal, the portal website is the positioning of the group industry portal, we need from the website content, and the overall functionality of a web design, website, etc.

  Of course, make a web page before and after the decision value factor is still the content.Quality is the most abundant content can clearly show the purpose and integrity of the factors of enterprise web pages, and web page design and programming technology is also an important factor of making web pages.Visit the web site the user first can feel is a basic factor is the web page design, rather than the content.

  Due to the user: the person’s visual organ than other sense organs is relatively developed, relying on the vision for external information accounted for 70%of the total information, the human brain memory strong mostly visual information.Browse the web users in general, first of all, remember is set by the buccal orbs are now out of web image, so it’s best to design a distinctive, clear and transparent image page.Through the development of design concept, establish the page layout, visual effect, the feeling of watching, etc, based on the design of web image becomes clear.Good effect on visual experience ultimate can increase website traffic, enhance the user experience degrees, this site from a search engine optimization point of view is very friendly.

  In general, when we help our customers build website, we choose site types are called dynamic web pages, the so-called dynamic pages is that users can interact with the server, and can be updated on the website of images and text information, what we are using ASP, PHP programming language, collocation ACESSS, SQL, MYSQL database, the advantages of dynamic page is can reduce the workload of website maintenance, regular update web site, the increase of the interactive visitors, promote the user to visit again.

  We really have been exaggerated, the above three main factors are mainly aimed at the point of view of the user experience, why those portals or famous industry be able to get more traffic or site of the actual conversion rates, mainly because they will be able to catch the user’s point of view, focus on: content and design, and the integrated function of the website, can take into account at the same time in the site’s search engine optimization.

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